It is my contention that pacifism lite, a vastly popular position in a number of European countries and in the halls of North American universities and church headquarters, is a symptom of political naiveté. It tends, furthermore, to be founded on an unexamined premise, to wit: that a politically responsible person acquits himself honorably if he, a would-be pundit, plays the part of pacifist-in-chief. As if an opinion defines a person, as opposed to a deed or style of life.
What a responsible life might consist of may be illustrated by that of Jochen Klepper, Johanna Stein, and Renate Stein. A gripping story, full of twists and turns, I briefly retell it in this post. It is not my intention to approve or disapprove of specific choices. I simply wish to claim that, in a context in which, as Goldhagen demonstrated, most Germans were Hitler’s “willing executioners,” this family lived a honorable life.
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