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The Bible as seen through the eyes of . . .

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Robert Holmstedt

Nicely put, John.


Thanks, Rob. I enjoyed your post about reviews and it almost convinced that I should write up my thoughts on your "Ruth" volume, but I'm not sure I have a lot more to say than praise and a few nitpicks.

Robert Holmstedt


"I'm not sure I have a lot more to say than praise and a few nitpicks."

I have a hard time believing that! ;-)

But thank you. Perhaps you can save the energy for review for when John and I finish the volume on Qoheleth (hopefully a year from now). There's a lot more in Qoheleth to chew over, grammatically-speaking.


It's a deal.


This is good stuff John!

I recently read David Horrell's The Bible and the Environment: Towards a Critical Ecological Biblical Theology, and he pointed out that ecological hermeneutics often manifests itself in one of three ways: ecological recovery (i.e. the Green Bible), biblical resistance (i.e. Lynn White Jr.'s 1967 article "The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis" in Science), and ecological resistance (i.e. Apocalyptic "Burn, Baby, Burn!" Evangelicals). He argues that none of these interpretive postures has a monopoly on teaching us "what the Bible says" about eco-justice. Rather, in the constructive act of interpreting the Bible, the interpreter must be "shaped and influence by the text, by the modern context, and by the various traditions of reading and interpreting represented in (and beyond) Christian theology." This latter category includes those traditions that belong to the "resistance" readings. In other words, a critical ecological hermeneutic will not always trumpet the eco-friendly texts or interpretations but will also recognize the existence of legitimately eco-hostile texts and interpretations.

One could argue that a congruent situation exists with the pro-life reading of the Bible. You have outlined well a recovery reading (and you might have added 2 Ki 8:12 alongside Amos 1:13-15 and Matt 2:1-16). You have also kept text, modern context, and interpretive traditions in dialogue as Horrell advocates. However, you don't speak of those texts or historically significant interpretations of texts which either discourage us from turning to the Bible on this matter or that make us question whether we should be resolute in our commitments to a culture of life (texts that come to mind include Ps 137:9; Isa 13:16, 18; Hos 10:14; 13:16; Nah 3:10).

Do you reject that the Bible contains texts that embody a resistance to the culture of life you outline above? If not, how would you make the same argument above while keeping these "resistance" texts/interpretations in the foreground? I ask because I remain committed to the type of use to which you are putting the Bible. In spite of its antiquity and the challenges it poses to us in such activities, the Bible still manages to speak in significant ways to our contemporary culture. I do, however, think that ignoring the challenges posed by these texts can seriously undermine constructive uses to which the Bible is so often put.

Robert Holmstedt


Very thoughtful.

And yet, in the Hebrew Bible (and, I think, also Christian NT), the sanctity of life is always subordinate to what you might call the reputation of Yhwh, which is directly affected by sin and iniquity. Thus, most of the texts you cite are about divine (or divinely ordained) punishment for iniquity. In that sense, then, they don't at all contradict the culture of life that John is describing. Rather, they put the culture of life in its proper theological context.

Gary Simmons

hodoi duo eisi, mia tes zoes kai mia tou thanatou.

I appreciate this post, John. When I think of this issue, it fills me with so much horror I can scarcely think of how to approach dialogue with someone who is pro-choice. Not out of hostility, mind you; this topic just weighs heavily and words don't come so easily.

Sometimes, though I am thoroughly Protestant, I must ask: What would Mary do?


Hi Joseph,

One way to pose the question you are interested in would be to ask whether the extension of the Torah trend of prohibition of punishment of persons by death, injury, or enslavement for crimes against property to prohibition of punishment of persons for crimes against persons is logical in a culture of life. Perhaps instead a culture of life will remain such if and only if it punishes the taking of life with the taking of life.

I don't know of a clear resolution to the question.

That's on the level of law and society. As far as God's hoped-for and predicted actions of talionis are concerned, what is remarkable is how token and meager the fulfillment of those hopes and predictions seem to have been - except in relation to his own people.

Recognition of said realities raises more questions than it answers - it is usual for Christians to identify a resolution in the cross. But that resolution too can be understood to exacerbate the problem.

That said, none of the passages you cite have any traction from a pro-choice point of view. Not so far as I can see.


Does a verse like Isaiah 57:5 relate to abortion? It seems to me that we are roughly doing the same thing.


Isa 57:5 is naturally understood to relate to abortion by anyone who puts feticide and infanticide in the same basket. The two were often put in the same basket by Jews and Christians in Greco-Roman antiquity. No wonder: abortion and exposure were legal and widely practiced methods of birth control in the ancient world: Judaism and Christianity have always been opposed to such forms of birth control, on various grounds.

The acts of Isa 57:5 were considered particularly heinous by the religious faction in ancient Israel which gave us this text and the rest of the Hebrew Bible in that the acts diabolically cohere with a common assumption in antiquity: that the first-born in principle belonged to deity, with any substitute, though allowed, understood to be a benevolent concession from the side of deity.

When things were going terribly and deity was thought to be in a malevolent state, it was thought necessary to respond with a symmetrical act: a non-surrogate offering of a first-born child. However repulsive in and of itself, the effects of filicide were deemed to be beyond doubt. See 2 Kgs 3:27; compare Exod 22:29.

Steve Pable

This looks like some possible fodder for your "Bible and Current Events" course, yes?

There is a great deal of wisdom in the Scriptural basis, and it's interesting to see how that squares with our cultural understanding of the value of human life, and advances in medicine.

I lament the postmodern ethos that has come to view the propagation of human life as more of a scourge than a blessing. The rhetoric of the child-free movement comes to mind, or those who find a way to somehow defend Gosnell in Pennsylvania. (

And of course any thoughtful discussion on the topic by people of good will gets bogged down almost immediately by those who equate every supporter of abortion rights with Gosnell, and every opponent of abortion with a clinic bomber.

Thanks for helping to bring this perspective of faith, history and culture to the table, John. It is interesting to see the wrestling with the precedence of the life of the mother, vs. the very loosely interpreted physical and mental health of the mother that we seem to have gotten to today.


Yes, and I'm wondering, Steve, if the following might be good reading to recommend for a Catholic perspective:

I found it informative and well-written.

Gary Simmons

John, I'm assuming you've heard about Kermit Gosnell? The link leads you to the Grand Jury report.

It definitely leads to some thinking about how, among other things, we need more transparency.



Yes, I included analytical coverage from a thoughtful source on the Left in my link list above (the last in the list).

Here is a Huffpo blogpost by David Gushee that is well-written:

Steve Pable

Hi John,

Yes-- that appears to be a pretty solid rebuttal of how some folks want to marshall support from Aquinas to defend the right to abortion. Or at least those who want to claim that the Christian tradition has been inconsistent in its teaching regarding abortion. Nancy Pelosi (in)famously falls into this camp.

If you point out to them that the Didache, one of the earliest Christian documents outside of the New Testament, categorized abortion and infanticide as hallmarks of the "Way of Death"... Well, that's just the big patriarchal Church trying to interfere in politics.

Loved Dr. Gushee's post, too. Thanks.

Nell 1

Abortion is a topic that is always under huge debate. There are pros and cons to the topic and people will argue each side trying to convince others what is right about abortion. However, the way people view abortion is often based upon their morals and religion. The Bible may not use the term “abortion” but God does not disregard the issue. God created life and therefore wants to preserve all the lives on Earth if possible. Psalm 100:3 states “Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture”. Life is a precious gift from God that must be cherished, nurtured, and protected. God was gracious enough to give us all life, how could we take that away from anyone. Even though some argue that the Bible says nothing about abortion, it is quite evident that God does treat a fetus as a human being. Isaiah 44:2 states “This is what the Lord says – he who made ou, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you”. Clearly God recognizes that even the fetus, in the womb, is one that needs to be taken care of and helped. The fifth commandment also states, Do Not Murder. Although it does not clearly state that abortion is part of that, murder means killing and that is a sin. On the contrary, considering the circumstances, if an abortion must be made, God says that you will be forgiven, if asked. All sins can be forgiven if one is truly sorry and repents faithfully. 1 John 1:9 states “If we confess our sings, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sings and purify us from all unrighteousness.” So even if the Bible does not state the word abortion, it is clear how God feels about caring for the people he has created and giving them full life.

Pulp Fiction 4

Many people have different opinions about abortion. Some people are for it, others are very much against it. I am against abortion, but I would never judge anyone for getting an abortion. Peoples' opinions and views about abortions are mostly based off what their morals are. I know the Bible doesn't directly state anything about abortion but that doesn't mean it isn't stated at all. Isaiah 44:2 says "Thus says the Lord who made you, who formed you in the womb and will help you." To me this is saying that God sees an unborn child as a human being and that even though that this child is not yet born, it still deserves to be cared for. I feel like God puts us on this Earth for a reason, and when a mother chooses to abort her baby, to me that child will never be able to fulfill his or her duties on this Earth, as God would have wanted. However, God is a very forgiving man, and if one chooses the road of abortion I know they will be forgiven by God.

Pulp Fiction 1

As stated above abortion is a very controversial topic. Some people base their vote on presidency depending on what side the potential candidate views abortion. I am pro choice plan and simple. Some factors that key into my decision are the circumstances. Say a 20 year old in college going to school for teaching, holds a job at an after school program at an elementary school and has all her ducks in a row. She is ready to get her life started when she graduates in 2 years. However she gets pregnant and all her plans and future come to to a halt. I have respect for those who are pro life and pro choice but those of pro life, what would you do if you were in this young woman's circumstances? I think a lot of people jump the boat on pro life because of the fact of "destroying potential life". However Id like to ask what would you do? Besides the fact of putting this topic into perspective I believe that women should have some control over their bodies and themselves and there is a privacy element to making those decisions. I respect both sides of the topic however I am pro- choice and believe that God will watch over you whatever path you choose to take.


Thanks, everyone, for trying hard to express your opinions honestly and forcefully, but with respect for others who think otherwise. In and of itself, this is an accomplishment.

Dead Man Walking 2

I would definitely agree with Pulp Fiction 1. I am pro choice and proud of it. It is not for me to force my opinion on to others. I do not have to agree with something for it to be wrong for the rest of the populace to not be able to do it and I don’t feel that others can do that either. I understand why some laws are needed but others such as those totally banning abortion are not. It is not a topic that I feel a person can decide for another and even though the Bible may land on one side or the other I don’t feel that this gives anyone the right to use it as a reason to stop people from doing what they feel is right. The Bible is a book, not the law of the land and again even if it says one thing or another it cannot become the law of the land, we are a free society where we are free to make our own choices and the Bible cannot limit that.

Nell 2

How many times have we heard, are you pro-life or pro-choice? I am pro-life. In my view of abortion, I don’t understand how someone who was given a life by God can take away another that God yet again made. Life is so special, and should be handled with great care.

If someone does not want to care for a life, I believe that they should have not performed the act of sexual intercourse in the first place. If one cannot afford to support a life, the child should still have a chance to live and put up for abortion at birth.

As mentioned in class, some people do not know what to do with their new born, so they leave the infant to die. Again, would God want us to neglect the children by leaving the innocent without knowledge to care for themselves? Professor Hobbins commented that it is now allow for the parent to drop the child off at the hospital without any words spoken.

The main points I bring up to defend my view of abortion are valid in my eyes. However, I understand that not everyone is the same person and we all have our right to make our own decisions, including standing for what we believe.

On the versa effect of this issue, I do stand for the right of rape victims. If a woman is raped, she should have the decision to keep or abort the unborn child. The reason I say that is because if the woman doesn’t have the decision, the child may serve as a constant reminder of the terror she went through, causing the rest of her life to be traumatized.

The Bible has many verses indulging with God’s grace in the gift of life. “This is what the Lord says – he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you” (Isaiah 44:2). The Lord created everyone; he speaks here in his appreciation to help everyone. Taking this quote into consideration can serve as a sign of relief when the decision of abortion is arisen.

Truman 1

Truman 1,

On issue of abortion is a very hard thing to talk about because of the different views that people share. I personally am very pro life and would like to see the fetus develop into a child. I don’t like the idea of taking the life of a potential child. I do however understand people’s reasons for having abortions. I understand that there are women that have been raped and that carrying a child is not something that they want to do. I am not one to tell someone what is right because I don’t think that there is any situation that it is easy regardless of how the pregnancy came about. I think that most of the time people do try to do what they think is the right thing regardless of the decision that was made.

The Truman Show 4

As many of my fellow classmates have mentioned, abortion is and probably will always be a very controversial issue. I have never had to experience the issue of abortion in my life up to this point, and I can say I am very much pro-life. As far as the bible goes, I believe it is not just a book but my set of laws. So, that is very much a part of why I would say I am pro-life. But, the thing is that we can’t always know what we would do if we were put in that situation, until we are in it. I would hope most people say that they are very much against taking the life of their unborn child, but if I was put in the situation of getting pregnant because of a rape I cannot say that I would 100%, without a doubt, not consider abortion. It's a very hard topic to talk about and determine what is the right or wrong thing.

True Grit 3

My sister got pregnant at a young age, and she had decided to keep the baby, there was no question of abortion, but I’m sure it crossed her mind. My family has always been pro life and we just deal with whatever comes, such as my sister’s baby. If she would have had an abortion, I wouldn’t look at her any different because I would have understood why she would have done it. I think abortion is a way of God testing you, and I don’t think you can fail the test, because he knows people make mistakes.

The Mission 2

I think that one can, perhaps, use the question of greater good in some cases. With Pulp Fiction 1's scenario, for example, one may make the decision that more harm than good would ensue from not finishing her education. If they made that justification, they would probably be saying that it is in the interest of the greater good rather than a selfish act. Many may disagree, though.
While the argument that it is the woman's decision about what she does with her body is popular, I think that it is important to remember that the decision greatly impacts the man as well, so his opinion should be noted.
Also, I disagree with the argument that one shouldn't have sex if they are not prepared to have a child. For that argument, I often like to use the analogy of sports. One know the risks of playing sports when they do it, but many do it anyway. It's fun, it's healthy, and it's a great way to bond. However, sometimes there are negative results. If someone breaks their ankle, they are going to get it taken care of. They aren't just going to leave it because they "knew the risks."
I'm not using this to justify abortion. I just think that there are better arguments than the "knew the risks" argument that is often heard.

Praying with Lior 2

Like Pulp Fiction 4 said, I would never judge anyone or think differently of her if she got an abortion. I personally would not get an abortion, but I believe that everyone should have the choice to choose for themselves if they want to get an abortion or not. Especially in those cases were a woman got pregnant against her own will. I think the biggest thing about abortions is to make sure women are properly educated about it and know what is being taken away before they make such a big decision.

True Grit 3, I really like your last sentence about God testing you, because it is true about so many things in life. If more people believe in that statement it might help some people who believe in God to not let a mistake they make in their past that they regret, consume and shape their future.

Nell 5

Abortion is one of those many issues that will never be solved on whether or not it should be made legal, or illegal. I for one am against abortion. Not only is it morally wrong to kill a fetus, but the Bible is against murder. Like you said in class, there isn’t one person who is one-hundred percent completely for, or against it. I am one of those people. One of the only exceptions, I believe, is in the case of rape. The women could not help but have sexual relations, therefore, should not be reminded every day of her life about the act that was put upon her. But, even if this was the only case where abortion would be made legal, it still may not be the best option. I’m sure there are many people out there who accuse rape, when in reality, they gave consent. Overall, there are other options then killing a harmless child. Adoption is one choice that should be looked at and taken more seriously.

Dead Man Walking 5

I completely agree with Nell 5. I believe that abortion is wrong but, in my mind, there are a few exceptions. For example, in the case of rape I think that the woman should do everything that she can to keep the baby. If she is unable to care for it, then this is the only time i feel it is acceptable for an abortion to take place.
I think a more ethical choice would be, as Nell 5 said, adoption. Not only does the woman have to deal with the morals of the decision, but she knows that the baby will have people in his/her life that will care for him/her.

Pulp Fiction 3

I am also believe in pro-choice. I believe a lot of people just jump on the bandwagon of being pro-life but don't really take the time to think about what they would do in different situations that arise in the world today. Rape is one of those things. I don't believe a woman should have to suffer the pain and agony of having a kid that is just going to always remind her of the time that she was mistreated. I know many people chose abortion for all the wrong reasons and that is why so many people are against it. I do believe that their are instances when abortion can be a positive thing for society and can be ethically right.

Breaker Morant 5

Looking at the Ten Commandments, I do not see how the Bible could be accepting of abortion under any circumstances. “Thou shall not kill” to me makes it clear that abortion is not ok with the Bible. However, the discussion of “When does life really start?” comes up. Who decides the answer to that? Does life start at conception? Is it really killing if you have an abortion before the child’s heart isn’t beating yet? These are tough questions that divide us between Pro Life and Pro Choice.
I found Exodus 21: 22-25 to be very vague about abortion. It talks about a miscarriage through an injury during a fight. That’s very specific and doesn’t say much regarding a woman’s intent to abort a child.

The Mission 4

This is a website that I found that I think has a lot of good stories from actual people. Some of these people have had abortions themselves and others have not. This is not a pro-choice only website, there are many pro-life and people who are stuck in-between who have good points as well. The only thing that I believe is that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control; however the majority of pro-choice people will say the same thing. Does this mean were having a pro-life view. No it means that we think people should treat it as a serious matter which it is. For the most part I do not believe that abortion is being abused in our country. I think that pro-life ideas are good but they are too restrictive and are almost no open-minded at times.

For all of you I have a cousin that got pregnant her freshman year of high school due to being plain reckless. And for all you Jersey Shore lovers out heir that is basically what her personality is and her life is in how she likes to party, smoke, drink….. Back to the story she ended up having the child and stayed away from having an abortion. Now she did graduate high school but I don’t believe her education traveled much further than that. Her daughter is basically being raised by her mother while she is working telemarketer jobs. If you haven’t caught on that is the story with her mother too.

If you haven’t donated you time to a small town food pantry I suggest you try it some time for a period of at least 6 months and you will know what I mean when I say that poverty is a viscous cycle.

Some of you might say she could have put the child up for adoption, but I also have a problem with that. I also have some relatives that after several miscarriages found out that they could never have a child of their own. So they adopted two girls, the youngest is my age. Besides being cousin we grew up very close and to this day the subject of being adopted breaks her apart. I remember that throughout her life she has and still feels unloved from her true mother since she let her go. I personally cannot imagine how it would feel to think that the one person that brought you into this world didn’t want you.

Just to clarify for everybody I do not believe that an abortion would have been right for my cousin who got pregnant as a freshman, but I can’t help but wonder if it would have happened. Would things be different.

Praying With Lior 10

I think it’s safe to say that we all agree abortion is a topic that will continually provide society with differing opinions and beliefs in the morality of a pregnant woman’s decision on whether or not to abort her child. Although I would not like to disclose my actual opinion on the topic, I can definitely understand arguments on both sides of the issue.
The Bible states that it is against the commandments to kill. Abortion is technically killing a child. This is a very obvious argument against abortion, and rightfully so. Killing an unborn child is the same as killing a full grown adult in the eyes of most people.
On the other hand, many can argue that an unborn child is unaware of its surroundings and unconscious of the outside world. How many of us can remember being inside our mothers’ wombs? Can an unborn child really be considered a person if being alive means being conscious of external happenings?
Also, what about unplanned pregnancies due to uncontrollable situations? If a young girl is raped, and becomes pregnant, what are the conditions of abortion then? Rape is against the commandments as well, so would abortion still be unacceptable to the majority of pro-life activists?

Shawshank Redemption 3

When it comes to abortion I am more on the pro-life side than the pro-choice side. I don't agree with abortion, but I also don't think there should be laws restricting people's right to have a choice. There are certain circumstances where I would understand someone wanting to have an abortion, such as one where being pregnant could be a risk to the mother's life. It's happened in history before with the artist Frida Kahlo who, although wanting children very badly, had many abortions in her life because having a child would kill her. There's also another situation where abortion might be understood and that would be if a woman is raped and then becomes pregnant with the man's child. It would be very hard for her to have the child so she might want to have an abortion. Even with a case like this one though, the woman could still go through with having the child and giving it up for adoption. I think abortion is equivalent to breaking the commandment not to kill and for that reason i think adoption should be considered before abortion.

Shawshank Redemption 3

When it comes to abortion I am more on the pro-life side than the pro-choice side. I don't agree with abortion, but I also don't think there should be laws restricting people's right to have a choice. There are certain circumstances where I would understand someone wanting to have an abortion, such as one where being pregnant could be a risk to the mother's life. It's happened in history before with the artist Frida Kahlo who, although wanting children very badly, had many abortions in her life because having a child would kill her. There's also another situation where abortion might be understood and that would be if a woman is raped and then becomes pregnant with the man's child. It would be very hard for her to have the child so she might want to have an abortion. Even with a case like this one though, the woman could still go through with having the child and giving it up for adoption. I think abortion is equivalent to breaking the commandment not to kill and for that reason i think adoption should be considered before abortion.

True Grit 2

I agree with most of the points that were stated. Abortion is very complicated and even more complicated for a women. Something I'd know nothing about. Right now in my life I lean towards pro-life but like a lot of other people there are situations that I'd agree that an abortion is an option but I'm not saying it's the right option.

Dead Man Walking 3

Being a male I believe in the end I have no say on what the woman can or cannot do with her baby. Even if I was the father, she is the one who has to deliver it. If she can’t deal with delivering, and can’t support it, I believe it is her say even if it is the wrong one. I don’t think you should have an abortion, but sometimes in certain situations people are going to say no. There are many people out there that are willing to adopt and you should never have to kill because you are in a sticky situation. The Scripture aims to uphold life. It is a shame that there is not that much about abortions in the bible. When they do talk about a pregnant women, they show the ultimate gratitude. They act as if it’s one of the worst crimes, harming a pregnant woman. 2 Kings 8: 12, God weeps because of all this evil Hazel inflicts on people and the one he leaves for last is how she would “rip up their pregnant women.” In Amos, the Lord talks about putting on a “fire that shall devour its strongholds,” “Because they have ripped open pregnant women in Gilead.” Every life is worth something to God, I really belief it is up to the woman to choose what she thinks is best for her child.

The Mission 3

As stated numerous times, abortion is a touchy subject that one has to be careful when speaking of. My personal opinion would suggest that abortion is only acceptable to save the life of the mother; in all other cases I find abortion immoral.

Jeremiah 1:5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

I find this verse useful when many individuals choose to claim that no murder occurs if the abortion takes place within a given time period. It is clear that our life is placed before us long before we take our first breath of air. Knowing this, it becomes clear that abortion could be looked at as murder and theft in the eyes of the Lord. By theft I mean that the decision to abort has stolen the child's chance of life.

Lior 7

Abortion is indeed a touchy subject. It is also sad that it has become corrupted by politics as well. In my opinion abortion should only occur in the most extreme circumstances. It is unfortunate that many women use abortion as a form of birth control. There are better methods of birth control than abortions.

True Grit 1

Although Dead Man Walking 3 brings up an excellent point about gender and abortion, it is my opinion that men should have a say whether an abortion is the appropriate option or not. Just because you are male doesn’t mean you aren’t equally responsible for the new baby that was created. When you make a mistake, I think it would be most beneficial for a man to “man up” and deal with his actions. With abortion and pregnancy, it is always important to keep in mind that this is preventable. If there was was no agreement on having a baby at the time conception occurred, procedures and efforts should have been made in order to prevent the consequences. Not only is it against faith and beliefs, it’s what makes you a grown person. Making decisions to be involved with this type of activity, you have to be responsible enough to handle the result, a baby.

Therefore, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I know this topic tends to be a big one, and there are many circumstances that may arise where some people may agree that abortion would be the right way to handle the situation. This is why there is controversy pertaining to this subject.

chariots of fire 3

I really enjoyed reading this article and thought it had a lot of interesting information in it. I support the prolife argument, and agree with many of the points the article has brought up. Even the getting an abortion is leagal if you do it before or in the first term stage of the pregnancy, I just do not feel that it is morally right to get the abortion. I realize there are different reasons people get abortions, whether they have financial issues, poor relationship, with the couple that conceived the baby, or if it the child was conceived before the couple was married. I feel that putting the baby up for adaption is a much better choice, but that is just my opinion.

True Grit 4

Abortion is a very hot button issue in this country. Some religions look at the Bible and say it condemns abortions and others look at the Bible and say that it says abortion is ok. The interesting thing about this debate among religions is the fact that both sides gravitate toward the same passage. One side just interrupts it different then the other side does. One of the reason there is such a debate in America on abortion is because we get caught up on whether fetuses are human beings or not and if they should be given the rights of human beings.

The Truman Show 5

In the US abortion is a largely debatable, with many people being pro-choice or pro-life. But really when it comes down to it, those viewpoints shouldn't make a difference. When it comes down to it the Bible says in the ten commandments "thou shall not murder," so that is the most basic rule, that people still choose to break. People should just stand up to God's test and accept the miracle of life.

Chariots of Fire 2

Many people think that the Bible has nothing to say about the issue of abortion, but just because it doesn't directly state laws about it doesn't mean it doesn't talk about it. There are many examples of abortion without directly calling it that, for example in Exodus 21:22-25 and Matthew 2:1-16. I don't think that it fully talks about abortion because it wasn't a well known issue back then and it wasn't made into a big deal like it is now. I also think that the viewpoint of the mother’s life being more important has changed too. More people are now supporting that the child's life is more important. The viewpoints of abortion have changed since the Bible and I think that they will be forever changing.


One question really pokes out at me when talking about abortion and the Bible; when does life begin according to god?
"Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood" (Genesis 9:4). God gave the law and penalty for murder (described as the shedding of "man's blood").Which mean that God considers blood to be the fuel for life and the shedding of human blood, which results in death, to be murder. From a Science point of view it tells us that the heart of the human fetus begins to form 18 days after conception. There is a measurable heart beat 21-24 days after conception. Since blood is flowing at this point, it is likely that blood formation begins well before day 21 (I could find a reference for the date at which blood formation begins). Therefore, this represents the latest date at which we must consider the fetus to be human (according to biblical standards), which is only 7-10 days after a women would expect to begin her menses. Most women have cycles that can vary by this amount, and therefore do not discover they are pregnant until after this point. For all practical purposes, from a biblical perspective, abortion at any point must be considered murder by Bible-believing Christians.


I know i just threw a blog up there but i would also like to state my personal opinion on the subject!
I think abortion is one of the most selfish acts a person can do. So many people today are caught up in their own lives that they forget to worry about others. I am sensitive towards the subject of raped victims that get pregnant and to be honest I am tilted towards pro-life there also, but a young teen or someone who cannot deal with the circumstances I have complete sympathy for. I just lack sympathy towards a person who will give up a life of a child in a selfish act for themselves. Many people do it because they want to pursue their dreams and their jobs or want to finish school; many do it to save themselves the embarrassment of having a child before they have graduated high school. I went to school with several different girls who had children before they were out of high school, girls who never had the opportunity to go to college and to get a real job. Many of them had to go through a tough time in their life that involved a life altering decision. I talk to some of them still they will tell you that keeping the child was the best decision of their lives. People should think of children as a gift from god, an opportunity.

Shawshank 1

I stand on the side of the Bible when it comes to viewing all life as possible. I also take a strong stance against abortion, because it seems all it cares about is the rights of the mother and nothing else. In a country that prides itself on a push for equality it would be remiss to not point out the contradiction when we look at abortion. It is quickly forgotten that it took two individuals to create the life that is growing in the woman’s womb. To think that many of fathers want to keep their child is not even considered. If we are to believe in this view our country prides itself on, we need to remember the fact that the child needs to have rights and so does the father.

The Mission 3

I am pro-life and believe that every child is a special gift from God to represent the love that two people share for one another. This is not true for a baby of a rape victim. The mother is traumatically assaulted and the baby is the result. Although I can see where thoughts of abortion would come from for the victimized mother, the life of the unborn child is a miraculous creation by God. Only God has the right to take a life. The baby doesn’t have the choice to live or die and must put the decision in the mother’s hands. It’s not the baby’s fault that it was conceived violently.
If the mother wasn’t a rape victim and simply just doesn’t want the child, I’d say that’s tough luck for her because if she didn’t want a baby then she shouldn’t have had intercourse in the first place. I would have a hard time not judging a woman that aborted a baby because she didn’t want it to get in the way of her life or because she wasn’t ready. There are many options that can be used to deal with an unwanted child that don’t involve killing or harming it.

Truman Show 2

I am against abortion because I believe that every life was created by God. Since God is the only one who can give life, He should be the only one who can take life away. I like what The Mission 3 said about if the mother is a victim of rape, but I do not agree with it. I think that if God creates a life out of the tragic situation of the mother being a victim of rape, then we should see this as a miraculous act of God, and should not kill it. If the mother doesn’t want the baby she should still not have an abortion, because there are many people in this world that would love to adopt a baby.

Shawshank Redemption3

Let me start by saying The Mission 3 your statement about “every child is a special gift from God” really strikes a soft spot in my heart! Because I too feel the same way! Abortion to me is the most horrible and cruel thing anyone has ever come up with.
People have stated that they do not think that abortion is really mentioned in the bible need to consider that abortion is killing another being! The Bible clearly states that thou shall not kill, and taking the life of an unborn innocent child is indeed murder! They need to consider also the passages where God mentions wanting all his servants to be like little children, (in Luke 18:15-17) and how he always welcomes the children! God truly cares for Children because they are innocent!
I know that people debate the circumstances of abortion, what if the girl was raped? What if she will die? And so on. I feel sympathy for the girls that are raped and I understand that carrying this child to term would be a constant reminder of what happened to her, but why punish the child? It is a gift from God no matter what. (Like the mission 3 stated) Young women that have abortions just because the pregnancy is unwanted, they aren’t ready or they would be looked down on are so sad and selfish! They think about themselves only when clearly it is not just their life that will be affected by this decision. And as far as a health risk for the mother, that one is difficult, I would honestly choose bringing new life into the world rather than staying and knowing and having to live with the fact that I aborted a child, but that’s just me.
One thing that greatly bothers me is that these women and young girls never even consider that there is another choice for their child! They can always give the baby up for adoption! I know families that cannot have children and would love to raise a baby of their own! It is selfish of these people to not even think that there is a choice of life for their child! As you can probably tell I am Pro-Life and believe that the bible backs this up completely!

Shawshank Redemption3

I once heard a story that all babies start out in heaven as small little angles that spend their time floating and playing no worries or cares, just having fun, and when a woman conceives a child, whether she intended to or not or whether it is the child’s time to be conceived or not, God must send that little precious angel to earth to become a wonderful human being and be left in the care of the women! When I see abortion I see the angel entering the womb and then being forcedly removed! And sent back to heaven, where they are yes better off, but they never even had a chance to grow or live there life!

Just thought I would share!

True Grit 1

Shawshank Redemption3 I do think the same as you how every child is a gift from God. As to abortion I dislike how people killed such a little baby like that when they have no idea what is going on and suddenly the little baby know he or she doesn't have a life to live like us anymore. I have known so many people that have abortion through out my life. It just makes me feel torn when I hear that they had an abortion. Babies are the most precious things that you can have in your life and that it is a gift from God. God is about giving people life to live and have plans for them to follow. Sometimes when I think that the baby inside a person's belly may have a wonderful plan that God had given them that is why God is sending that baby down to live and fulfill his or her plan that he had given to them. I just think every baby deserve to live and see the beautiful world that God had created.

Shawshank 2

Pain, suffering, and loss of life are all factors brought on by abortion. Abortion affects many lives and will always be an ongoing debate. However, the Lord’s forgiveness spoken of in Bible is not a debate. That is why when the Bible speaks of abortion and its consequences it also speaks of God forgiving all of us for our sins. For example in Psalm 103:1-4 it states that “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my in most being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.” I feel abortion is a nightmare but so is being molested and raped for young women. Having a child because of one of these acts not only poses pain for the woman but also the child. Pain is not something God wanted us to surround our lives with. So my point is though I don’t support abortion, I do support those that have gone through this experience and have asked the Lord for true forgiveness because I feel God is a forgiving God.

The Mission 5

While I personally would not choose abortion for myself, my stance is pro-choice. For me it’s pretty simple; I do not believe in taking anyone’s rights away just because I don’t agree with them. In my opinion, people spend way too much time telling everyone else how to live their life; who we can love, what we can do and not do with our bodies, what we should believe and excreta. Even though I can’t see myself getting an abortion, I want the choice to be there. While I respect opinions different from my own, I also want to point that not all women considering abortion are wild, out of control, selfish, horrible people. Most women are not using abortion as a birth control. It is often a huge, heart breaking decision. It is not my job to condemn and judge others; I will leave that to God. Even though I stand strong on my pro-choice, I do understand the pro-life stance.

I’m curious to know if anyone would change their view on abortion if it was a girl raped by a relative? Especially a close relative like a father or brother.

Chariots of Fire 1

The thing that people have to remember about abortion is that it’s not only a “violation of the rights of the unborn child”, it’s MURDER. Plain and simple. That also makes it a violation of God’s law. Abortion is wrong. Another thing that people don’t pay attention to is the effect it has on the mother. Women who have an abortion are likely to suffer from depression, regret, and guilt for years. This makes sense because there is a strong connection between a mother and a child, whether it’s unborn or born. When you kill an unborn child, you are killing part of the mother. After all, the mother’s body created the baby. When you kill an unborn child, you are ending its opportunity to experience life. Give it a chance to live. Your parents gave YOU the chance.

Nell 5

This is a very hard topic to discuss. You all make valid points about why it is ok or why it is wrong. However, it is very hard to say what is right or what is wrong unless you are put into that situation. Take into account the effect of a woman who was raped and then finds out that she is pregnant. She feels disgraced and humiliated and if she has the child, would she not feel the same after looking at that child? Again, I cannot for sure tell you the answers to these questions but merely bring these problems to your attention. Not everything is always black and white. It is much more. In the matter of abortion, I am pro-choice. A woman should be able to choose based on the situation. Yes there is the option of adoption, but that in itself brings up the risks of the woman to go through with pregnancy. I could go on and on about this however, it is as simple as this. God created us to make our own choices. In the end, you must live with the choice you make. Its as pure and simple as that. Thank you for posting this article, it has made me look further into myself to see how I personally view the issue at hand.

Nell 2

Abortion is a very difficult topic to talk about. Many people are strong in their beliefs, either prolife or prochoice. Personally, I am against abortion except for two reasons. The first case in which I understand having an abortion is if having a baby isn't healthy for the mother or the baby. If being pregnant and having a baby is going to hurt or risk the life of the mother or the baby. As well as others have previously stated; if a woman may have gotten pregnant by rape or incest. In this situation the woman will have to live with enough regret and personal issues and having a baby may not be justified for them. In these rare cases, I feel that abortion should be done as early as possible. Not a process that lingers on. I do recognize that it is still a human life that would be taken, but in an extreme circumstance it is something that might need to be done. Regardless of whether an abortion is done or not is a decision that the mother will have to live with for the rest of her life. I do feel that the majority of women that are actually having abortions are for reasons that I do not necessarily agree with such as she feels unready for a child, she feels she can't afford baby, she has all the children she wants, she has a relationship problem or would be a single mother, or she feels she isn't mature enough.

Chariots of Fire 2

Abortion could be defined as one of the most debated topics to this day. Is it morally right? What would God think? What would you do if you were in that situation? Many of these questions come into mind when pondering on this topic. Yes people believe that it is wrong, and there are others that believe it isn’t. It’s hard to decide which is correct because some of us have never been in this position. I’m not saying that abortion should be allowed or it shouldn’t be allowed, but shouldn’t it be up to the person in the situation? We can all judge and say that it is murder and God did not create us to do such a thing or that it should be allowed because of situations like rape, but what about the people that do not believe in God? I think we should all be entitled to our own view on it as we are all entitled to our own view on religion in whether to believe or not. I don’t believe that eventually everyone will agree on one side or the other, but I know that over time there might be only one side which would be legal.

True Grit 4

That's a good post Chariots of Fire 2, I agree that it's hard to know which side is right and which side is wrong in whether abortion should be legal or not. If you ask me, abortion should only be legal if it is potentially harmful to the mother or if its in the case of a rape. But what constitutes what's right the non-rape or non-harmful cases? If a pregnant woman simply doesn't want the baby anymore, is it Ok? To many, it's not. Abortion and the situations in which it's right or wrong is definitely a touchy issue.

Pulp Fiction 5

I think everyone can agree that the idea of abortion and whether it is right or wrong is one of the most highly debated issues right now. I personally believe abortion is wrong and should only be allowed in a few special cases. If a woman was raped and became pregnant then she shouldn’t have to go through the emotional pain of carrying her violator’s baby. I believe that the best way to go about the abortion would be to do it via a pill which would just cut off certain hormones to eliminate the baby. This is a far better option for the unborn child rather than traditional abortion techniques.

The Bible has quite a bit to say about abortion if you know where to look for it. I find it interesting that in Exodus 21:22-25 it talks about how the life of a living individual is worth more than the life of an unborn child. This is clear in the passage because if you hurt an unborn baby you are not punished as much as if you hurt the mother. If you hurt the mother you are to be punished and eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and so forth. Does this mean that the Bible is for abortion? I don’t believe so. My interpretation of the Bible is that if the mother was raped then they should be allowed to abort the baby. If anything the Bible is completely against abortion as a passage from Ezekiel 18:32, God states that he has no pleasure in the death of anyone. This passage could be interpreted in two ways. You could say God means he doesn’t like the death of anyone including unborn children, but you could also say he means only those who are born.


I can’t quote a true stat but I heard toward the upwards of most women who get an abortion get multiple abortions. I find this very sad and disturbing that some people use this as birth control. Now my view point on the subject it that God creates life and we shouldn’t murder. Life for me starts at conception. I also don’t think its right to make a women carry a child from rape or for the safety of the mother. Excluding those two reasons abortion isn’t morally correct. Yes, women have a choice, but that choice starts with deciding if they should be having intercourse which; could result in a pregnancy. We also have to be careful of the modern technology because we are allowing ourselves to play God more and more. Some things should just be left to our maker.

Dead Man Walking 6

Abortion is always a controversial topic in the world at all time. I am one of the ones who against abortion issue. The baby is not done anything wrong or even has a choice to live on this Earth. Everything must be claimed on their parents who ones created them. I do not agree when people traumatically did something wrong and then later feel guilty about that. If they feel guilty, why do not think before do it? The example here is abortion. I understand only in the case being rape by someone, so abortion is acceptable. But, it is still not a good option for. Peoples’ opinion s and view about abortions are mostly based off what their morals and religions. I believe that none of any religions or laws accepts the idea of abortion because this is such a no human being thing to do. But there are out there people still practice doing that. God puts us on Earth to live for a reason; therefore he wants to preserve all the lives if possible. I have not have baby yet but I think the pregnancy period would be an amazing time ever when you can see how the fetus develop into a child. Overall, I personally force that we should take an action to do something would help eliminating the idea of abortion such as adoption or donation for church or communities where they adopt homeless children.

Dead man walking 4

Everyone questions abortion and the morals surrounding the subject because is taking the life of a weak, innocent, and unprotected child. Overall, when it comes down to the fact is it taking a life. Our society actually takes people lives all the time. War for example, troops, enemies, and innocent civilians deaths occur. Should the one who killed a human be punished? The one who die didn’t choose to die just like the child we discuss in abortion. Another example is in the death penalty. The state of Illinois removed their view on this in the recent decade because recent statistical data showed that 63% of prisoners were falsely convicted. What should be done to everyone involved in these situations? How may take can we take some lives and turn our heads but be outraged by taking of some other lives. No matter what the age is we must consider everyone equally. If you take a life you’re a killer, make it black and white. There is so much of a grey area, this why this debate will continue to go back and forth.

Praying with Lior 3

When discussing abortion, I think of myself as being Pro-Life as I see abortion as not just being the right of the woman but also the right of the unborn and the father who helped create it. I do not believe in the termination of life as a means of birth control nor do I think it is a way of destroying life that may not be ‘perfect’ in the eyes of society. In the event of a fetus having an abnormality, I do believe as stated in John 9, that God creates these lives to be seen as blessings in disguise in which He uses us to show compassion, love, and miracles. However, I also wonder what my belief would be if I or my daughter were to become impregnated through rape. I believe that I would still have the child, as it would not be the child’s fault of how it was conceived. But if it was my daughter, I would tend to believe I would favor abortion or at least the morning after pill to terminate the pregnancy. The trauma of a rape and making my daughter carry until birth and possibly give the child away is very hard for me to condone. I believe in the eyes of God this would be one of those times when abortions would be seen as being able to forgive for the sin of killing. Like the grace He granted on the midwives who lied to Pharoah in order to follow another law of God, I believe it would be forgiven. This is such a hard subject for so many of us, especially I think for those of us who already have children. I believe we will all be judged for our actions when the end of time comes and we truly cannot condemn too many for their actions until we have walked a mile in their shoes.

Pulp Fiction 6

Abortion is one of those topics that it would seem everyone has an opinion on. It is either right or wrong, pro life or pro choice. I on the other hand, am split right down the middle. I feel it depends on the specific situation, people involved, and what the circumstances are. In the case of a young girl being raped, I feel that she should have the choice to save herself and her life because in a sense having a baby against her will, even if she gives it up for adoption the second it is born can ruin her life and her future. Going in the opposite direction though, what about the baby? Even though it is in the womb and it may not seem like it has the same rights as a fully developed person who already has a life and a future, who is to say that we have the right to take the opportunity of life away from a child. This is a subject matter I fight with myself with on a regular basis due to family struggles and debates. It is also an issue I can not personally take a side on and fight, but I could easily fight the positives and negatives of a certain side for hours, while still understanding where the other side is coming from. Int he Maggie Little film I learned a lot more information which I found interesting and I loved listening to them go back and forth about each of their viewpoints, which were all very different, and explain each of their sides in detail. In my opinion this was one of the most catching and serious sessions, which I enjoyed very much.

True Grit 3

I agree with pulp Fiction 6, on the topic of abortion I continue to remain some where in the middle of pro-choice and pro-life. I feel as if it is situational and can be different for everyone. Rape is a touchy subject in its self and I believe every possible option should be left open for women who do go through such a horrible event. I also believe in people making mistakes. Sometimes things happen unplanned and women need to have options. Women should have to take responsibility for their actions but sometimes it is the most responsible thing to do for a person. Abortion is in now means a way to just duck out of the pain of having a child, I feel as if going through with an abortion can change your life as much, if not more, than actually having the child. It is an extremely emotional subject. With this said, I still stand firm of keeping the option open for women so that they don’t feel trapped if they have an unwanted pregnancy and don’t turn to desperate measures.

Pulp Fiction 3

I stand on the line of pro-choice. I always take into thought the many circumstances; a major one being rape. I don’t feel a woman should be forced to keep a illegitimate child due to something she could not control. We have rights and we should not take them away just because we may disagree with them. Although this is my stance, I do understand the pro-life side of the argument. I know that throughout the Bible God takes a heavy hand on those who rape or defile a woman that is not their wife. God is showing the same “compassion” that we should show in present day. God will always help through the bad times.

Truman Show 4

In response to the homicide example where someone would be charged with two counts if killing a pregnant woman. What if they somehow kill the unborn child and the mother survives? That's something that could be another tricky issue. I think when looking to the Bible about the issue of abortion, it's most important, not to look at the passages about killing infants, but to look at the most basic passages about morals and human life. If you look at your values and think the unborn baby is human life, then aborting it would be killing it. That goes directly against one of the commandments. But I guess if someone doesn't view the fetus as a human life form, then to them it wouldn't be against the commandments at all. Really it's all about the perception of each individual.


I can see how those who are for abortion might think and try to defend that a human fetus is not life, however they are wrong and we are taught through the Bible that even in the womb there is life. As the verse goes, "before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." God is saying that from the very moment that a sperm cell meets the egg, there is life, and He has a plan for that life and knows exactly what is going to happen to the child before it is ever born. There's a story about a woman who tried to go to the doctor to get an abortion because she already had one child, and another would be too much for her to handle. So the doctor told her alright, let us kill your one year old then so you're not too stressed out. She replied no way, that's murder! The doctor replied, I know, so is killing a life in the womb. Knowing the doctor was right, she went away and didn't abort the child. It doesn't matter if you think a fetus is a child or not, if you kill it, you kill it, no matter how you feel about it. Same as if you drink poisen but you deny that it's poisen, you're still going to die whether you believe it to be poisen or not. So whether or not one believes a fetus to be a life or not, it is, and you better be willing to put your own life up for the unprotected or learn how to become responsible and not end up in that situation.

The Mission 2

I agree with you totally TheTrumanShow1; life is precious to God and the life He gives us on earth is our time of grace. A time to thank God with our lives for the life and love He gives us. Ending someone's life is not up to us, as God says: "There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life." Only He has the authority to end one's life. The passage TheTrumanShow1 uses is a great example of life starting in the womb. Another passage "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me." (Psalm 51:5) says that King David knew sin entered his life when he was conceived and the fact that he uses the pronoun "I" proclaims that he knew he was a human at that time. He wasn't something developing into a human, he was a human.

The Truman Show 3

Abortion is and always will be an ongoing debate of right versus wrong, moral ideas, and religion. From my point of view, if a woman feels strongly enough that she wants to end her pregnancy, possibly to avoid being disowned or even worse, beaten, by her family, she will find a way to end it. Why not have proper medical procedures and facilities to do so in a somewhat safe and controlled manner where she can find information, connect with others going through the same challenge, and get the help and counseling she needs to have a happier healthier future? I don't see abortion as a Biblical argument, rather a moral obligation to protect the health (mentally, and physically) of the mother. However, abortion should never be taken for granted, or be used as means of birth control.

Breaker Morant 2

I feel as if there is an issue to the entire abortion debate, one that is vital to think and also discuss. While we can talk about how abortion is considered wrong, we must factor in the idea of birth control, and how some people are using abortion as such because they do not know or have not been taught about contraception and the like. I was raised Catholic, but am now non-denominational, but if I remember correctly, there are some denominations that believe that teaching women and men about birth control is also just as wrong as abortion. This is most likely one of the many reasons that there are so many more abortions. Adding in the fact that only-abstinence programs have been shown to be just as effective as birth control teaching or in other words, being taught only abstinence does not prevent sexual behavior as some churches believe, means that more and more teenagers are having sex and not being properly protected. If we want to work to solve the amount of abortion in the US or even in the world, we need to work from the source and teach teenagers how to properly protect themselves. If we do not, things are only going to get worse, and considering 1 of 4 teenagers will get an STI, that is pretty bad already. As of right now, abortion is a fact of life. We can only assume how the person in the position is feeling. If you have not been there, it is not fair to assume that the woman going in for the abortion is not deeply affected by her choices, or have external circumstances that are pushing her into a decision that she is not happy with. Regardless of your moral standing on the debate, we need to understand that sometimes things are not always what they seem.

true grit 5

Abortion is such a touchy topic. Debate on when life officially begins shouldn’t matter. It’s still something inside of you hoping for life one day. In the bible it says God knows us before we are even born. But yet society gives women an option to kill something that hasn’t had the chance to become something. Like a seed of a fruit, if you never plant it how will you know if it will produce good fruit? You would never know the chance that that unborn child may have had a chance to live a good life even thought at the time circumstances might not seem so.
Argument on children being aborted due to rape always comes up. Anytime you argue about it, it seems that women always jump to that conclusion first. Yes you may not want the child but that child still has a right to live. There are women out there that would die just to have a child because they are barren. The discussion of marriage also ties into this as the fact that sex shouldn’t be practiced out of marriage. Yes mistakes happen and that is why we have a savior that died on the cross for us, but we should still uphold the commandments. If you enter into a marriage you can decide if a baby is right for you or not. Instead of going around drunk at a party and find out later you have life inside of you. Planned pregnancies should always be the option that way you don’t have to worry about the thought of abortion, but yes there still is the circumstances of rape but as a society we should then fight that instead of abortion rights.

Shawshank 4

I believe entirely that all life needs to be viewed as possible. Therefore, I associate myself with being quite strongly against abortion. Simply put, abortion is a selfish act. Does God condone or justify selfishness? Philippians 2:3 says “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves.” This verse needs to be considered with the topic of abortion. It is selfish to believe there is a right to steal the life of a child, even if it is only a fetus. There are those who say abortion should be accepted under certain circumstances. For example, the mother would have to carry the child of a rapist, or the mother is a young girl without the funds or experience necessary to raise a child. However, in either case is it proper to punish the unborn child for happenings far out of their control? To punish a child conceived by an act such as rape is selfish. The rapist is at fault, and although the woman may not wish to raise his child, the child deserves the possibility of life nonetheless. The same applies to the increasing number of youth in this generation that are becoming pregnant before they are ready to raise a child. That child does not deserve to be punished due to someone else’s poor decisions. Again, that would be selfish. It is so important to remember that adoption is an option. There are couples in the world praying that God grant them the gift of creating life and unfortunately they remain incapable of doing so. They would be grateful to receive a beautiful little baby from someone else and have the opportunity to give that child a life.

Breaker Morant 1

For those who believe in the Bible, the teaching is very clear. Man is made in the image of God, and God gives life. And by man taking a life, even if it is an unborn life, they are acting as God on behalf of their own self interest. The Bible teaches us that before we were formed in the womb, God knew us.

When Adolf Hitler was annihilating the Jews, he was being pro-choice. It was his choice to kill millions of innocent people. When we decide to have an abortion, we are destroying the innocent. Although people would argue that it is the mothers choice to end her pregnancy, the one being most affected by the choice, doesn't have a say in the matter. Just like the Jews being destroyed by Hitler, had no say in the matter.

Pulp Fiction 1

The Bible has many ways of making you believe it is right and wrong. I feel it is what you think is the right or wrong thing to do. It would make sense because this is our free-will. Many people debate over this, but I say…Why? If you feel that is what is best for you and your spouse at that time, then so be it. Abortion is a touchy subject that can be overwhelming for some and an easy decision for others. However you perceive your life with a child is how you will be able to decide. It would be easy to have a child when your settled in, married, with a house, and both spouses have jobs. What if you have a child when you are 16? This is what I would debate about. What gives someone at the age of 40, the right to tell you, a 16 year old teenager that you cannot have an abortion? I am not saying I am for it nor against it, but it is much better to have a choice in life to have an abortion than no choice at all. At what age would an abortion be necessary? I have no clue. I have never been put in that position and hopefully never will be.

The Truman Show 5

This a common debate between many people. Abortion is not always a religious debate but a lot of the time it turns out to be a political controversy. The way I feel about abortion is very simple. The mother of the child should have the right to chose whether to have the child or not. It is clear cut and simple, no one else should have the right tell someone that they need to go through nine months of pregnancy.

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  • Antiquitopia
    one of the best blogs out there, by Jared Calaway, assistant professor in the Department of Religion at Illinois Wesleyan University.
  • Anumma - Hebrew Bible and Higher Education
    by G. Brooke Lester, Assistant Professor in Hebrew Bible, and Director for Emerging Pedagogies, at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (Evanston IL)
  • Awilum
    Insightful commentary on the Bible and the Ancient Near East, by Charles Halton
  • AWOL - The Ancient World Online
    notice and comment on open access material relating to the ancient world, by Charles Jones of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
  • Balshanut
    top-notch Biblical Hebrew and Semitics blog by Peter Bekins, Ph. D. student, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati OH, faculty member, Wright State University (archive)
  • Believing is Knowing
    Comments on things like prophecy, predestination, and reward and punishment from an orthodox Jewish perspective, by David Guttmann
  • Ben Byerly's Blog
    thoughts on the Bible, Africa, Kenya, aid, and social justice, by Ben Byerly, a PhD candidate at Africa International University (AIU), in Nairobi, Kenya working on “The Hopes of Israel and the Ends of Acts” (Luke’s narrative defense of Paul to Diaspora Judeans in Acts 16-20)
  • Berit Olam
    by a thoughtful Matt Morgan, Berkeley CA resident, grad student in Old Testament at Regent University, Vancouver BC (archive)
  • Better Bibles Blog
    Discussion of translation problems and review of English Bible translations by Wayne Leman, Iver Larsen, Mike Sangrey, and others
  • Bibbia Blog
    A Bible blog in Italian and English by former students of the PIB and PUG
  • Bible Background research and commentary
    by Craig Keener, professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
  • Bible Design & Binding
    J. Mark Bertrand's place
  • BiblePlaces Blog
    a spotlight on the historical geography of the Holy Land, by Todd Bolen, formerly, Assistant Professor at the Israel Bible Extension campus of The Master's College, Santa Clarita CA
  • Biblicalia
    The riches of orthodoxy brought online by Kevin Edgecomb, a seminarian at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline MA)
  • Biblische Ausbildung
    by Stephen L. Cook, professor of Old Testament / Hebrew Bible at Virginia Theological Seminary
  • C. Orthodoxy
    Christian, Contemporary, Conscientious… or Just Confused, by Ken Brown, a very thoughtful blog (archive). Ken is currently a Dr. Theol. student at Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen, part of The Sofja-Kovalevskaja Research Group studying early Jewish Monotheism. His dissertation will focus on the presentation of God in Job.
  • Catholic Bibles
    a thoughtful blog about Bible translations by Timothy, who has a degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (Angelicum) and teaches theology in a Catholic high school in Michigan
  • Chrisendom
    irreverent blog with a focus on the New Testament, by Chris Tilling, New Testament Tutor for St Mellitus College and St Paul's Theological Centre, London
  • Claude Mariottini
    a perspective on the Old Testament and current events by a professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Chicagoland, Illinois
  • Codex: Biblical Studies Blogspot
    by Tyler Williams, a scholar of the Hebrew Bible and cognate literature, now Assistant Professor of Theology at The King's University College in Edmonton, Alberta (archive)
  • Colours of Scripture
    reflections on theology, philosophy, and literature, by Benjamin Smith, afflicted with scriptural synaesthesia, and located in London, England
  • Complegalitarian
    A team blog that discusses right ways and wrong ways Scripture might help in the social construction of gender (old archive only; more recent archive, unfortunately, no longer publicly available)
  • Connected Christianity
    a place to explore what it might be like if Christians finally got the head, heart, and hands of their faith re-connected (archive)
  • Conversational Theology
    Smart and delightful comment by Ros Clarke, a Ph.D. student at the University of the Highlands and Islands, at the (virtual) Highland Theological College (archive)
  • Daily Hebrew
    For students of biblical Hebrew and the ancient Near East, by Chip Hardy, a doctoral student at the University of Chicago
  • Daniel O. McClellan
    a fine blog by the same, who is pursuing a master of arts degree in biblical studies at Trinity Western University just outside of Vancouver, BC.
  • Davar Akher
    Looking for alternative explanations: comments on things Jewish and beyond, by Simon Holloway, a PhD student in Classical Hebrew and Biblical Studies at The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Deinde
    News and Discussion by Danny Zacharias
  • Discipulus scripturae
    Nathan Stitt's place
  • Dr. Claude Mariottini
    balanced comment by a professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Seminary, Lombard IL
  • Dr. Platypus
    insightful comment by Darrell Pursiful, editor at Smyth & Helwys Publishing, on the New Testament faculty of Mercer University
  • Dust
    A diary of Bob MacDonald's journey through the Psalms and other holy places in the Hebrew Bible
  • Eclexia
    The heart and mind of this Bible and theology blogger sing in unison
  • Eat, Drink, and be Merry
    The journey of a grad student with a love for ancient languages at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (archive)
  • Elizaphanian
    Rev Sam tussles with God, and limps away
  • Emerging from Babel
    Stephen investigates the potential of narrative and rhetorical criticism as a tool for expounding scripture
  • Evangelical Textual Criticism
    A group blog on NT and OT text-critical matters
  • Evedyahu
    excellent comment by Cristian Rata, Lecturer in Old Testament of Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, Seoul, Korea
  • Exegetica Digita
    discussion of Logos high-end syntax and discourse tools – running searches, providing the downloads (search files) and talking about what can be done and why it might matter for exegesis, by Mike Heiser
  • Exegetisk Teologi
    careful exegetical comment by Stefan Green (in Swedish)
  • Exploring Our Matrix
    Insightful reflections by James McGrath, ass't. professor of religion, Butler University
  • Faith Matters
    Mark Alter's place
  • Ferrell's Travel Blog
    comments of biblical studies, archaeology, history, and photography by a tour guide of Bible lands and professor emeritus of the Biblical Studies department at Florida College, Temple Terrace (FL)
  • Fors Clavigera
    James K. A. Smith, professor of philosophy at Calvin College, thinks out loud.
  • Friar's Fires
    an insightful blog by a pastor with a background in journalism, one of three he pens
  • Gentle Wisdom
    A fearless take on issues roiling Christendom today, by Peter Kirk, a Bible translator
  • Giluy Milta B‘alma
    by Ezra Chwat and Avraham David of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts, Jewish National and Hebrew University Library, Jerusalem
  • He is Sufficient
    insightful comment on Bible translations, eschatology, and more, by Elshaddai Edwards
  • Higgaion
    by Chris Heard, Professor of Religion, Pepperdine University
  • Idle Musings of a Bookseller
    by James Spinti of Eisenbrauns
  • if i were a bell, i'd ring
    Tim Ricchiuiti’s place
  • Imaginary Grace
    Smooth, witty commentary by Angela Erisman (archive). Angela Erisman is a member of the theology faculty at Xavier University
  • James' Thoughts and Musings
    by James Pate, a doctoral student at HUC-JIR Cincinnati
  • Jewish Philosophy Place
    by Zachary (Zak) Braiterman, who teaches modern Jewish thought and philosophy in the Department of Religion at Syracuse University
  • kata ta biblia
    by Patrick George McCollough, M. Div. student, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena CA
  • Ketuvim
    Learned reflection from the keyboard of Jim Getz
  • Kilbabo
    Ben Johnson’s insightful blog
  • Kruse Kronicle - contemplating the intersection of work, the global economy, and Christian mission
    top quality content brought to readers by Michael W. Kruse
  • Larry Hurtado's blog
    emeritus professor of New Testament Language, Literature & Theology, University of Edinburgh
  • Law, Prophets, and Writings
    thoughtful blogging by William R. (Rusty) Osborne, Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies as College of the Ozarks and managing editor for Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament
  • Lingamish
    delightful fare by David Ker, Bible translator, who also lingalilngas.
  • Looney Fundamentalist
    a scientist who loves off-putting labels
  • Menachem Mendel
    A feisty blog on rabbinic literature and other Judaica by Michael Pitkowsky, Rabbinics Curriculum Coordinator at the Academy for Jewish Religion and adjunct instructor at Jewish Theological Seminary (New York)
  • mu-pàd-da
    scholarly blog by C. Jay Crisostomo, grad student in ANE studies at ?
  • Narrative and Ontology
    Astoundingly thoughtful comment from Phil Sumpter, a Ph.D. student in Bible, resident in Bonn, Germany
  • New Epistles
    by Kevin Sam, M. Div. student at the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon SK
  • NT Weblog
    Mark Goodacre's blog, professor of New Testament, Duke University
  • Observatório Bíblico
    wide-ranging blog by Airton José da Silva, Professor de Bíblia Hebraica/Antigo Testamento na Faculdade de Teologia do CEARP de Ribeirão Preto, Brasile (in Portuguese)
  • Observatório Bíblico
    Blog sobre estudos acadêmicos da Bíblia, para Airton José da Silva, Professor de Bíblia Hebraica / Antigo Testamento na Faculdade de Teologia do CEARP de Ribeirão Preto, SP.
  • Occasional Publications
    excellent blogging by Daniel Driver, Brevard Childs' scholar extraordinaire
  • old testament passion
    Great stuff from Anthony Loke, a Methodist pastor and Old Testament lecturer in the Seminari Theoloji, Malaysia
  • Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Blog
    A weblog created for a course on the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, by James Davila (archive)
  • On the Main Line
    Mississippi Fred MacDowell's musings on Hebraica and Judaica. With a name like that you can't go wrong.
  • p.ost an evangelical theology for the age to come
    seeking to retell the biblical story in the difficult transition from the centre to the margins following the collapse of Western Christendom, by Andrew Perriman, independent New Testament scholar, currently located in Dubai
  • PaleoJudaica
    by James Davila, professor of Early Jewish Studies at the University of St. Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland. Judaism and the Bible in the news; tidbits about ancient Judaism and its context
  • Pastoral Epistles
    by Rick Brannan and friends, a conceptually unique Bible blog
  • Pen and Parchment
    Michael Patton and company don't just think outside the box. They are tearing down its walls.
  • Pisteuomen
    by Michael Halcomb, pastor-scholar from the Bluegrass State
  • Pseudo-Polymath
    by Mark Olson, an Orthodox view on things
  • Purging my soul . . . one blog at a time
    great theoblog by Sam Nunnally
  • Qumranica
    weblog for a course on the Dead Sea Scrolls at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, taught by James R. Davila (archive)
  • Ralph the Sacred River
    by Edward Cook, a superb Aramaist
  • Random Bloggings
    by Calvin Park, M. Div. student at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton MA
  • Resident aliens
    reflections of one not at home in this world
  • Revelation is Real
    Strong-minded comment from Tony Siew, lecturer at Trinity Theological College, Singapore
  • Ricoblog
    by Rick Brannan, it's the baby pictures I like the most
  • Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
    Nick Norelli's fabulous blog on Bible and theology
  • SansBlogue
    by Tim Bulkeley, lecturer in Old Testament, Carey Baptist College (New Zealand). His Hypertext Commentary on Amos is an interesting experiment
  • Ancient Near Eastern Languages
    texts and files to help people learn some ancient languages in self study, by Mike Heiser
  • Midrash, etc.
    A fine Hebrew-to-English blog on Midrash, by Carl Kinbar, Director of the New School for Jewish Studies and a facultm member at MJTI School of Jewish Studies.
  • Phil Lembo what I'm thinking
    a recovering lawyer, now in IT, with a passion for a faith worth living
  • Roses and Razorwire
    a top-notch Levantine archaeology blog, by Owen Chesnut, a doctoral student at Andrews University (MI)
  • Scripture & Theology
    a communal weblog dedicated to the intersection of biblical interpretation and the articulation of church doctrine, by Daniel Driver, Phil Sumpter, and others
  • Scripture Zealot
    by Jeff Contrast
  • Serving the Word
    incisive comment on the Hebrew Bible and related ancient matters, with special attention to problems of philology and linguistic anthropology, by Seth L. Sanders, Assistant Professor in the Religion Department of Trinity College, Hartford, CT
  • Singing in the Reign
    NT blog by Michael Barber (JP University) and Brad Pitre (Our Lady Holy Cross)
  • Stay Curious
    excellent comment on Hebrew Bible and Hebrew language topics, by Karyn Traphagen, graduate, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia PA (archive)
  • Sufficiency
    A personal take on the faith delivered to the saints, by Bob MacDonald, whose parallel blog on the Psalms in Hebrew is a colorful and innovative experiment
  • The Sundry Times
    Gary Zimmerli's place, with comment on Bible translations and church renewal
  • Sunestauromai: living the crucified life
    by a scholar-pastor based in the Grand Canyon National Park
  • ta biblia
    blog dedicated to the New Testament and the history of Christian origins, by Giovanni Bazzana
  • Targuman
    by Christian Brady, targum specialist extraordinaire, and dean of Schreyer Honors College, Penn State University
  • Targuman
    on biblical and rabbinic literature, Christian theology, gadgetry, photography, and the odd comic, by Christian Brady, associate professor of ancient Hebrew and Jewish literature and dean of the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State
  • The Biblia Hebraica Blog
    a blog about Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, the history of the Ancient Near East and the classical world, Syro-Palestinian archaeology, early Judaism, early Christianity, New Testament interpretation, English Bible translations, biblical theology, religion and culture, philosophy, science fiction, and anything else relevant to the study of the Bible, by Douglas Magnum, PhD candidate, University of the Free State, South Africa
  • The Forbidden Gospels Blog
    by April DeConick, Professor of Biblical Studies, Rice University
  • The Naked Bible
    by Mike Heiser, academic editor at Logos Bible Software
  • The Reformed Reader
    by Andrew Compton, Ph.D. student in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (focus on Hebrew and Semitic Languages) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • The Sacred Page
    a blog written by three Catholic Ph.D.s who are professors of Scripture and Theology: Michael Barber, Brant Pitre and John Bergsma
  • The Talmud Blog
    a group blog on Talmud News, Reviews, Culture, Currents, and Criticism
  • Theological German
    a site for reading and discussing theological German, by Mark Alter
  • theoutwardquest
    seeking spirituality as an outward, not an inward quest, by David Corder
  • This Lamp
    Incisive comment on Bible translations in the archives, by Rick Mansfield
  • Thoughts on Antiquity
    By Chris Weimer and friends, posts of interest on ancient Greek and Roman topics (archive). Chris is a graduate student at the City University of New York in Classics
  • Threads from Henry's Web
    Wide-ranging comment by Henry Neufeld, educator, publisher, and author
  • Tête-à-Tête-Tête
    smart commentary by "smijer," a Unitarian-Universalist
  • Undeception
    A great blog by Mike Douglas, a graduate student in biblical studies
  • What I Learned From Aristotle
    the Judaica posts are informative (archive)
  • Bouncing into Graceland
    a delightful blog on biblical and theological themes, by Esteban Vázquez (archive)
  • Weblog
    by Justin Anthony Knapp, a fearless Wikipedian (archive)
  • Writing in the Dust
    A collection of quotes by Wesley Hill, a doctoral student in New Testament studies at Durham University (UK), and a Christian who seeks the charism of chastity
  • גֵּר־וְתוֹשָׁב
    by David Miller, Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Judaism, Briercrest College & Seminary, Caronport, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • ואל-תמכר
    Buy truth and do not sell: wisdom, instruction, and understanding - a blog by Mitchell Powell, student of life at the intersection of Christ, Christianity, and Christendom
  • משלי אדם
    exploring wisdom literature, religion, and other academic pursuits, by Adam Couturier, M.A. in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible (graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)

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  • Ancient Hebrew Poetry is a weblog of John F. Hobbins. Opinions expressed herein do not reflect those of his professional affiliations. Unless otherwise indicated, the contents of Ancient Hebrew Poetry, including all text, images, and other media, are original and licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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    Copyright © 2005 by John F Hobbins.