Ancient Hebrew (עברית עתיקה Ivrít
atiqá) is a conventional designation for
the language in which the Hebrew Bible is composed. To be clear, not all of התנ״ך ha-Tanakh – an
acronym composed of the first letter of the titles of its successive parts: תורה Torá, נביאים Neviím, andכתובים Ketuvím – is written in Hebrew. Ezra 4:8-6:18; 7:12-26, Dan
2:4b-7:28, Jer 10:11, and a phrase in Gen 31:47 are written in ancient Aramaic
(ארמית עתיקה Aramít atiqá), the lingua franca of a cross-section of the ancient
Near East in the neo-Assyrian, neo-Babylonian, and Persian periods.
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