Isaiah 11:1-16 and the fourth eclogue of Virgil deserve to be
read in tandem. Both describe an idealized peaceable kingdom. The language in
both is deliberately idyllic.
The number of textual and thematic coincidences between Isaiah 11 and the fourth eclogue is striking. Below the fold, I provide the text and a new translation of the fourth eclogue. If you've never read the eclogue in its entirety, and if not in Latin, at least in a translation that hews closely to the original, you will be glad you did.
In a future post, I will present Isa 11:1-16, and draw attention to
common themes.
Besides the Latin text, I consulted and
drew from 8 different translations (in English, German, French, and Italian) in
the preparation of my own. I mimic the medial caesura of the Latin verse in
Sicelides Musae, paulo maiora
non omnis arbusta iuvant humilesque myricae;
si canimus silvas, silvae sint consule dignae.
please not everyone, nor lowly tamarisk;
if we sing
of sylvan splendor, be it worthy of a consul.
magnus ab integro saeclorum
nascitur ordo.
iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna;
iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.
the great procession of the
ages, born anew.
The Virgin now
returns, returns the reign of Saturn,
now a new generation, sent
from high heaven.
desinet ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,
casta fave Lucina: tuus iam
regnat Apollo.
will cease and throughout the
world, a golden race arise –
you, pure Lucina, show favor: your Apollo rules now.
Teque adeo decus hoc aevi, te consule, inibit,
Pollio, et incipient magni procedere menses;
te duce, si qua manent sceleris vestigia nostri,
inrita perpetua solvent formidine terras.
With you as consul, the
glorious age begins,
with you, Pollio,
the mighty months off and march;
with you as leader, if traces
of our wickedness remain,
they will, cancelled out, of
constant fear free the lands.
ille deum vitam
accipiet divisque videbit
permixtos heroas et ipse videbitur illis
pacatumque reget patriis virtutibus orbem.
mingling with heroes, he
himself seen by them,
with his father’s manly virtues,
he will rule a world at peace.
errantis hederas passim cum baccare tellus
mixtaque ridenti colocasia
fundet acantho.
untilled earth pours forth, ranging
ivy everywhere, and cyclamens,
a mix of flowering bean and laughing-eyed
ipsae lacte domum referent distenta
ubera nec magnos metuent armenta leones;
ipsa tibi blandos fundent cunabula flores.
occidet et serpens et fallax herba veneni
occidet; Assyrium vulgo
nascetur amomum.
By themselves, the milk of
swollen udders
she-goats bring home; flocks
are not afraid of mighty lions;
your own cradle, with
captivating flowers flows over.
The serpent passes, the venom-hiding
passes, and everywhere,
Assyrian spice-plants spring to life.
At simul heroum laudes et facta parentis
iam legere et quae sit poteris cognoscere virtus,
molli paulatim flavescet campus arista
incultisque rubens pendebit sentibus uva
et durae quercus sudabunt
roscida mella.
By the time you, of hero’s
fame and father’s deeds
can read, and learn thereby what
manly virtue is,
slowly with soft grain the
plain will turn golden,
from wild briar, red grape
and stubborn oak sweat
dewlike honey.
Pauca tamen suberunt priscae vestigia fraudis,
quae temptare Thetim ratibus, quae cingere muris
oppida, quae iubeant telluri infindere sulcos.
alter erit tum Tiphys et altera quae vehat Argo
delectos heroas; erunt etiam
altera bella
atque iterum ad Troiam magnus mittetur Achilles.
and bid they tempt the sea
with ships, and gird with walls
the towns, and cut furrows in
the ground,
another Tiphys will arise, another Argo carry
acclaimed heroes. There will
be other wars,
and once again a great
Achilles will be sent to Troy.
Hinc, ubi iam firmata virum
te fecerit aetas,
cedet et ipse mari vector nec nautica pinus
mutabit merces: omnis feret omnia tellus.
Then, when the hard age makes
you a man,
the mariner will abandon sea,
and nautical pine
not exchange goods: every
land will produce everything.
non rastros patietur humus, non vinea falcem;
robustus quoque iam tauris iuga solvet arator;
nec varios discet mentiri lana colores,
ipse sed in pratis aries iam suave rubenti
murice, iam croceo mutabit vellera luto,
sponte sua sandyx pascentis
vestiet agnos.
The earth will not suffer the
hoe, nor vine, the sickle,
then the strong plowman will loose
the yoke from the bull,
wool not learn to put on various
but in the meadows, the ram
will change fleece,
now to sweet blushing purple,
now to saffron yellow;
vermilion, on its own, will
clothe the grazing lambs.
"Talia saecla" suis dixerunt "currite" fusis
concordes stabili fatorum numine Parcae.
“May such ages,” said the Parcae to the spindles, “race
in agreement with Destiny’s
immutable decrees.
adgredere o magnos - aderit iam tempus -
cara deum suboles, magnum Iovis incrementum!
aspice convexo nutantem
pondere mundum,
terrasque tractusque maris caelumque profundum,
aspice, venturo laetantur ut omnia saeclo!
Dear offshoot of the gods,
great progeny of Jove,
assume great honors – the
time draws nigh!
See how it totters, the world’s
vaulted weight,
the earth, the sea’s expanse,
and the deep of the sky,
see how all things rejoice
for the coming age!
o mihi tum longae maneat pars ultima vitae,
spiritus et quantum sat erit tua dicere facta:
non me carminibus vincat nec
Thracius Orpheus
nec Linus, huic mater quamvis atque huic pater adsit,
Orphei Calliopea, Lino formosus Apollo.
Pan etiam, Arcadia mecum si iudice certet,
Pan etiam Arcadia dicat se iudice victum.
O may to me remain the last
part of a long life,
may breath enough suffice to
tell your deeds.
Thracian Orpheus could not surpass me in
nor Linus, though his mother
be here, and his father,
Calliope for Orpheus, fair
Apollo for Linus.
Even Pan, against me, with Arcadia for judge,
Even Pan would say he was
surpassed, with Arcadia for judge.
Incipe, parve
puer, risu cognoscere matrem:
matri longa decem tulerunt fastidia menses.
incipe, parve puer: qui non risere parenti,
nec deus hunc mensa, dea nec dignata cubili est.
Begin, little child, to
acknowledge mother with a smile,
To mother these ten months
brought long weariness.
Begin, little child. The one
who does not smile on parents,
no god honors at his table,
no goddess in her bed.
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