At SBL San Diego, a session was dedicated to testing proficiency in ancient Hebrew. One excellent test of vocabulary proficiency involves the slotting of items across semantic continuums. For example, after randomizing the vocabulary items in the basic, intermediate, and advanced lists provided in this series, students might be required to group and sequence them from head-to-toe. An even better test might involve a 3D image of the human body with appropriately placed slots to be filled in with the appropriate terms for the corresponding body parts.
A glossed and vocalized “full listing” of the
terminology of human anatomy in ancient Hebrew is offered below. Once the list
is mastered, proficiency is testable by working through it in un-glossed,
un-vocalized format - also provided. Grad students and Hebrew teachers might
start with the un-glossed, un-vocalized list, and check knowledge against the
glossed and vocalized equivalents in case of doubt.
The “full list” following is bound to contain
errors of omission and commission. The standard dictionaries and concordances
were consulted, but little secondary literature beyond that. The vocabulary of
epigraphic, Ben Sira, and DSS Hebrew was not systematically added in. The
selection of phrases remains piecemeal. Research indicates that mastery of
vocabulary involves knowing 98 per cent of a full listing of vocabulary ––
cold. This list is meant to be a means to attaining that end for a subset of
the whole.
Peter Kirk noted in a comment to the first
post in this series that the United Bible Societies are working on a project entitled a Semantic
Dictionary of Ancient Hebrew. How do my efforts differ from those of Renier
de Blois and his team? The UBS project groups lexical items in broad semantic
classes in which class-members are “equidistant” from each other; only rarely
are lexemes grouped into subsets according to semantic contiguity. Semantic
contiguity of subsets within a class is not described.
Other differences: the UBS project pays scant
attention to morphology and phraseology. Two examples: פאה, in reference
to anatomy, occurs in the singular and the dual; the plural is used exclusively
in reference to topography; ידות
the plural of יד is used in a
number of specialized senses, but not as an anatomical term. My lists reflect
these realities and include examples of stock phrases. The UBS project does
When SDAH is completed, it will be possible
to compare its list of “Parts: People” with the lists provided here. But its “Parts:
People” class is an undifferentiated sea along the lexical domain axis. The
internal semantic organization of the class and attention to morphology and
phraseology offered here have no counterparts in the UBS project.
The Dictionary of Biblical Languages with
Semantic Domains: Hebrew (DBL) by Mark Swanson (Logos, 1997) was pioneering
project of this kind.
Another project of interest: The Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database (SAHD) project, in the
incipient stage, under the direction of Takamitsu Muraoka.
The basic
list presented earlier corresponds to a level attainable after two
semesters of study; the “basic
plus” list, after four semesters. A “full list” like this one might be used
for study and testing purposes during the third year of three-year sequence.
Full List
רֹאשׁ, רָאשִׁים, רָאשָׁיו/רֹאשָׁיו head, heads, his heads
קָדְקֹד, קָדְקֳדוֹ pate, his pate
גֻּלְגֹּ֫לֶת, גֻּלְגָּלְתּוֹ skull, his skull
רַקָּה temple
מֵ֫צַח, *מְצָחוֹת forehead, foreheads
פָּנִים face
אָחוֹר, *אֲחֹרִים back (rear)
גַּו/גֵּו/גֵּוָה back
גַּב back
בָּמוֹת back (intensive pl.)
*פְּאַת פָּנִים corner/side of the face=temple
*פְּאַת רֹאשׁ temple
*פֵּאָה, *פַּאֲתַיִם corner/temple, a pair of corners/temples
*פֹּת [פת=פאת] temple
שֵׂעָר, שַׂעֲרָה, *שְׂעָרוֹת, שְׂעָרוֹ/*שַׂעְרוֹ hair, hair, hairs, his hair
*פֶּרַע שְׂעַר רֹאשׁ free-flowing hair of the head
*דַּלַּת רֹאשׁ tresses of the head
*קְוֻצּוֹת locks
*צִיצִת רֹאשׁ lock
זָקָן (m.
and f.) beard
*פְּאַת זָקָן sidegrowth of beard
*גִּזְרָה coiffure
שָׂפָם moustache
עַ֫יִן, עֵינַ֫יִם eye, a pair of eyes
אִישׁוֹן עַ֫יִן pupil/apple of the eye
אִישׁוֹן בַּת־עַ֫יִן pupil/apple of the eye
בַּת־עַ֫יִן pupil/apple of the eye
בָּבַת עֵינוֹ the pupil/apple of his eye
*עַפְעַפַּ֫יִם a pair of eyelids
*שְׁמֻרוֹת עֵינַ֫יִם eyelids
*גַּבֹּת עֵינַ֫יִם eyebrows
אֹ֫זֶן, אָזְנַ֫יִם ear, a pair of ears
תְּנוּךְ earlobe
אַף, אַפַּ֫יִם nose, a pair of nostrils
לְחִי, לְחָיַ֫יִם, לֶחֱיוֹ cheek/jaw, a pair of cheeks
*מַלְקוֹחַ֫יִם a pair of gums
פֶּה, פִּיו/פִּ֫יהוּ mouth
*מִדְבָּר (poetic) mouth
חֵךְ palate
לָשׁוֹן, לְשֹׁנוֹת tongue, tongues
שֵׁן, שִׁנַּ֫יִם tooth, a pair of sets of teeth
שָׂפָה, שְׂפָתַ֫יִם lip, a pair of lips
*דַּל שְׂפָתַ֫יִם (poetic) door of the
גָּרוֹן throat, neck
*לֹעַ gullet
נֶ֫פֶשׁ throat
צַוָּאר, צַוָּארִים/*צַוָּרוֹת neck, necks
*מַפְרֶ֫קֶת neck
*גַּרְגָּרוֹת neck
עֹ֫רֶף nape
שְׁכֶם, שִׁכְמוֹ back
שִׁכְמָה back
כָּתֵף, *כְּתֵפַ֫יִם, כְּתֵפוֹת shoulder, a pair of shoulders, shoulders
שֹׁד, שָׁדַ֫יִם a breast, a pair of breasts
זִיז teat
*דַּדַּ֫יִם a pair of nipples
חֵיק/חֵק bosom
בֶּ֫טֶן belly
*דַּלְתֵי בֶטֶן doors of the belly
קֵבָה, קֳבָתָהּ belly, her belly
*שֹׁ֫רֶר, *שָׁרְרוֹ navel
*שֹׁר, *שָׁרּוֹ navel-cord
*כָּרֵשׂ stomach
חֹ֫מֶשׁ stomach
*אוּל paunch
*מֵעִים abdomen, viscera
רֶ֫חֶם womb
מַשְׁבֵּר mouth of the womb
קֶ֫רֶב, *קְרָבִים inward parts
לֵב/לֵבָב, לִבּוֹת/לְבָבוֹת heart, hearts
סְגֹור לֵב pericardium
כְּלָיוֹת kidneys
כָּבֵד liver
*מְרֹרָה gall-bladder
זְרוֹעַ/אֶזְרוֹעַ, זְרֹעוֹת/זְרֹעִים arm, arms
קָנֶה, קָנָהֿ humerus, its humerus
יָד, יָדַ֫יִם arm/hand, a pair of arms/hands
*אַצִּילוֹת יָד armpits
*אַצִּילֵי יָד elbows
יְמִינוֹ/נָהּ, יַד יְמִינוֹ his/her right hand
שְׂמֹאלוֹ/לָהַּ, יַד שְׂמֹאלוֹ his/her left hand
כַּף, כַּפַּ֫יִם/כַּפּוֹת hollow/palm, a pair of palms
חָפְנַ֫יִם a pair of cups of hands
*שֹׁ֫עַל, שְׁעָלִים hollow of a hand, hollows
אֶצְבַּע, אֶצְבָּעוֹת finger, fingers
בֹּ֫הֶן/בְּהוֹן, *בּוֹהֲנֹת/*בְּהוֹנוֹת thumb, thumbs
*קֹטֶן, *קָֽטָנּוֹ little finger
*צִפָּרְנִים fingernails
שָׁפְכָה penis
*אֶשֶׁךְ testicle
שֵׁת, *שָׁתוֹת buttock, buttocks
מִפְשָׂעָה posterior
*עֲקֵבִים heels=curved ends
יָד hand=phallus
בָּשָׂר flesh=phallus
כְּסָלִים loins=genitalia
רַגְלַ֫יִם feet=genitalia
עֶרְוָה nakedness=pudenda
בְּשַׂר עֶרְוָה flesh
of nakedness=waist-section
*מַ֫עַר nakedness=pudenda
*מְעוֹרִים nakednesses=pudenda
מְבוּשִׁים shameful
*נַבְלוֹת shamelessness=pudenda
צַד, צִדִּים side, sides
כֶּ֫סֶל, כְּסָלִים loin, loins
מָתְנַ֫יִם a pair of loins
חֲלָצַ֫יִם a pair of loins
יָרֵךְ, יְרֵכַ֫יִם hip/thigh, pair of thighs
כַּף הַיָּרֵךְ hip-socket
נָשֶׁה sciatic nerve
*עֲטֵמַ֫ים a pair of thighs (cj Job 21:24)
שׁוֹק, שֹׁקַ֫יִם upper leg, a pair of upper legs
בֶּ֫רֶךְ, בִּרְכַּ֫יִם knee, a pair of knees
*קַרְסֻלַּ֫יִם a pair of ankles
*אָפְסַ֫יִם a pair of ankles
*מַרְגְּלוֹת legs
רֶ֫גֶל, רַגְלַ֫יִם foot, a pair of feet
פַּ֫עַם, פְּעָמִים foot, feet
כַּף, כַּפַּ֫יִם/כַּפּוֹת sole of a foot, a pair of
soles of feet
אֶצְבַּע, אֶצְבָּעוֹת toe, toes
בֹּ֫הֶן/בְּהוֹן, *בּוֹהֲנֹת/*בְּהוֹנוֹת big toe, big toes
עָקֵב, *עֲקֵבִים, עִקְּבֵי heel,
עוֹר skin
*עֹור שִׁנָּיו skin of my teeth
*גֶּ֫לֶד skin
עָרְלָה, עֲרָלוֹת (עֳ׳foreskin, foreskins (not
גִּיד, גִּידִים sinew, sinews
בָּשָׂר, בְּשָׂרִים flesh, fleshy body parts
שְׁאֵר flesh
חֵ֫לֶב fat
פִּימָה fat
*מִשְׁמָן fat
דָּם, דָּמִים blood, (spilled) blood
*נֵ֫צַח juice=blood
*עֹ֫צֶם frame
עֶ֫צֶם, עֲצָמוֹת/עֲצָמִים bone, bones
מֹחַ marrow
גֶּ֫רֶם, גְּרָמִים bone, bones
גֻּלְגֹּ֫לֶת skull
לְחִי, לְחָיַ֫יִם jaw, a pair of jaws
קָנֶה humerus
צֵ֫לַע, צְלָעוֹת rib, ribs
*אַצִּילֵי יָד elbows
בֶּ֫רֶךְ, בִּרְכַּ֫יִם knee, a pair of knees
*קַרְסֻלַּ֫יִם a pair of ankles
עָקֵב, *עֲקֵבִים heel, heels
*יְצֻרִים formed parts
*מַבְנִית frame (cj Job 20:3)
רוּחַ air
נֶ֫פֶשׁ life-breath
נְשָׁמָה breath
בָּשָׂר flesh
נֶ֫פֶשׁ life-breath
גְּוִיָּה body
גּוּפָה body
נֶ֫פֶשׁ living being
גְּוִיָּה body
גּוּפָה body
נֶ֫פֶש ׁ living being
Full Listing
ראש, ראשים, ראשיו/ראשיו
קדקד, קדקדו
גלגלת, גלגלתו
מצח, *מצחות
אחור, *אחורים
*פאת פנים
*פאת ראש
*פאה, *פאתים
שער, שערה, *שערות, *שערו
*פרע שער ראש
*דלת ראש
*ציצת רֹאשׁ
*פאת זקן
עין, עינים
אישון עין
אישון בת־עין
בבת עינו
*שמרות עינים
*גבת עינים
אזן, אזנים
אף, אפים
לחי, לחיים, לחיו
פה, פיו/פיהו
לשון, לשנות
שן, שנים
שפה, שפתים
*דל שפתים
צואר, צוארים/*צורות
שכם, שכמו
כתף, *כתפים, כתפות
שד, שדים
*דלתי בטן
קבה, קבתה
*שרר, *שררו
שר, *שרו
קרב, *קרבים
לב/לבב, לבות/לבבות
סגור לב
זרוע/אזרוע, זרעות/זרעים
קנה, קנה
יד, ידים
*אַצילות יד
*אצילי יד
ימינו/נה, יד ימינו
שמאלו/לה, יד שמאלו
כף, כפים/כפות
*שעל, שעלים
אצבע, אצבעות
בהן/בהון, *בוהנת/*בהונות
*קטן, *קטנו
שת, *שתות
בשר ערוה
צד, צדים
כסל, כסלים
ירך, ירכים
כף הירך
שוק, שקים
ברך, ברכים
רגל, רגלים
פעם, פעמים
כף רגל , כפות/כפים
אצבע, אצבעות
בהן/בהון, *בוהנת/*בהונות
עקב, *עקבים
*עור שניו
ערלה, ערלות
גיד, גידים
בשר, בשרים
דם, דמים
עצם, עצמות/עצמים
גרם, גרמים
לחי, לחיים
צלע, צלעות
*אצילי יד
ברך, ברכים
עקב, *עקבים
This series is developing nicely, John. Thanks for all the work you're putting into it!
Thanks, too, for noting in passing the SAHD project which keeps ticking along. For info, the main project website is here [].
David Reimer
Posted by: David Reimer | November 27, 2007 at 03:28 AM
Thanks, David. I will send you a copy of the three-part series in pdf format. My next mini-project along these lines: verbs of speech.
Posted by: JohnFH | November 27, 2007 at 08:17 AM
Hi!Your blog is mind blowing.Nice info.
Posted by: bible mp3 player | June 06, 2011 at 10:49 AM